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SWOP - Sharing Wycombe's Old Photographs - Contact Us


Welcome to the Sharing Wycombe's Old Photographs website - bringing history alive with over 47,000 images of High Wycombe and the surrounding towns and villages.

Improve the information about photographs

If you find mistakes in the description of a photograph, either use the 'add Comment' feature on the Details tab (preferred), or email us enquiries@swop.org.uk quoting the photograph reference number and the information you think needs changing or adding, such as location, date, event, personal names or any other information.

Ordering copies of photographs

To order a photograph, please contact the organisation below that owns or manages the copyright, quoting the reference number.

BFP = Bucks Free Press
RHW & HWS = High Wycombe Library
MHW = Wycombe Museum

Contact details:

High Wycombe Library
Email: deweymiked@AOL.com Tel: 01494 755070

Wycombe Museum
Email: museum@wycombe.gov.uk Tel: 01494 421895

Bucks Free Press
Email: deweymiked@AOL.com Tel: 01494 755070

Old photograph of High Wycombe Guildhall in May 1953

Website problems:

If you have persistent difficulties in using the site, please contact us at problems@swop.org.uk and we will try and help.