Welcome to the Sharing Wycombe's Old Photographs website - bringing history alive with over 47,000 images of High Wycombe and the surrounding towns and villages.
If you find mistakes in the description of a photograph, either use the 'add Comment' feature on the Details tab (preferred), or email us enquiries@swop.org.uk quoting the photograph reference number and the information you think needs changing or adding, such as location, date, event, personal names or any other information.
To order a photograph, please contact the organisation below that owns or manages the copyright, quoting the reference number.
BFP = Bucks Free Press
RHW & HWS = High Wycombe Library
MHW = Wycombe Museum
High Wycombe Library
Email: deweymiked@AOL.com Tel: 01494 755070
Wycombe Museum
Email: museum@wycombe.gov.uk Tel: 01494 421895
Bucks Free Press
Email: deweymiked@AOL.com Tel: 01494 755070